Brewfinder Screenshot
Brews Finder

In this group project, we created a site, intended for a mobile user, where the user can enter a city, state, or zip code to find a brewery matching that criteria. The site also has a Kanye West influence.

Brew Finder Deployed Link
Brew Finder Github Link
Scheduler Screenshot
Work Day Scheduler

In the workday hourly scheudler I created a site that allows the user to enter their daily tasks for each work day hour. The color of the line will change as the hour passes, is present, or is in the future.

Work Day Scheduler Deployed Link
Work Day Scheduler Github Link
Project Website Screenshot
Code Refactoring Project

In the code refactoring project I updated existing code to make it semantically correct and the site more user friendly.The site is also responsive with a working navigation bar.

Code Refactor Deployed Link
Code Refactor Github Link
Project Two Screenshot
Mindful:Project Managment

In this group project we build a website that helps track projects. Users create an account, enter and track projects, and enter and track tasks associated with each project.

Project Two Deployed Link
Project Two Github Link
Weather App
Weather Finder

In this project we created a user interace that allows the use to enter thier chity and the 5 day forcast for that city.

Weather App Deployed Link
Weahter App Github Link